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Facing the challenges
of tomorrow.

Rooted in the tradition of sustainable plant production, we supply strong plants for the forestation concepts of tomorrow. Whether private, state, national or communal forest - we are there for you throughout northern and central Germany!


As a family business, we can guarantee you individual support tailored to your needs (e.g. cultivation, delivery etc.) Your benefit: our availability. We are here for you at any time.

Ein Baumschulenbestand von oben

Wir blicken nach vorne.

Mit großer Trauer und tiefem Bedauern teilen wir mit, dass unser geschätzter Geschäftsführer Armin Vogt überraschend von uns gegangen ist. Er führte das Unternehmen stets mit Leidenschaft und Hingabe. Sein unermüdlicher Einsatz und visionärer Geist haben unsere Forstbaumschule geprägt und werden von uns weitergetragen. Trotz dieses schweren Verlustes möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass unser Betrieb wie gewohnt weitergeführt wird. Familie Vogt und alle Mitarbeiter stehen Ihnen weiterhin mit der gleichen Qualität und dem gleichen Service zur Verfügung, den Sie von uns gewohnt sind.

The Forstbaumschulen Erwin Vogt.

Bestand der Erwin Vogt Forstbaumschulen

The enterprise

The majority of our 65 hectare farm in Pinneberg is used for forest nursery production. The remaining area is used for regeneration and constantly alternates with the soil to be cultivated.


Through constant development, we have access to the most modern buildings and machines, which facilitate our work and guarantee the freshness of the plants.


All plants are sorted in a special designed hall to protect them from sun and wind. Loading also takes place in a hall to protect them from dehydration.


The total size of the hall area for sorting, loading and seed processing is approx. 1,400 m², plus a cold store or deep-freeze store for seed storage of approx. 830 m³.

Andreas und Armin Vogt


All members of the family are involved in our business. In addition, we have 15 employees and during the main season, when the plants are delivered, round about 20 seasonal workers.


Additionally to plant delivery with our own vehicles, we also offer services such as soil preparation, fence construction and planting by hand or machine.

Bestand der Erwin Vogt Forstbaumschulen


Here in Pinneberg we have a balanced climate with mild winters and cool summers.
The light soils of the Holstein nursery area and the relatively high humidity are well suited for growing plants, especially forest shrubs.



Schleswig Holsteinische nurseries co-produce for others!

Many of the Holstein nurseries’ customers are other nurseries that make use of our location advantages, at least for young plant cultivation such as outdoor sowing. They have their desired products sown in Schleswig Holstein and then take over the plants after one or two years for further cultivation.

Deeply rooted.

The roots of our forest nursery go back more than 130 years. From the very beginning, the business has been firmly in family hands and remains so today. We are happy to look back on our history together with you.


Entry of the 5th generation Lisa Vogt into the company.


Retirement of the two seniors Christel and Erwin Vogt into their well-deserved retirement.


Four years after joining the company, son Armin Vogt becomes co-owner of the Erwin Vogt Forstbaumschulen.


Takeover of the former tree nursery areas of the Paul Rix company.


Takeover of the tree nursery by Wilhelm Vogt - company size round about 4 ha.


Foundation of the Producers' Association for Native Nursery Products w.V.


Entry of the 2nd son Andreas Vogt. From then on, the Erwin Vogt Forstbaumschulen  is run by 4 family members (Christel, Erwin, Armin and Andreas Vogt).


Son Armin Vogt joins the company.


The nursery business is divided between the two sons Ernst and Erwin Vogt and relocated to the Paul Rix nursery yard in Pinneberg. Since then, the business has been run under the name Erwin Vogt Forstbaumschulen. The owners are Christel and Erwin Vogt.


Foundation of the Vogt nursery by Jochen-Hinrich Vogt in Rellingen.

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